The Summit
The newest venture of Mt. Lebanon and the Dallas Baptist Association, The Summit will continue our ministry impact for generations to come.
What It Was
Mt. Lebanon guests and local residents will recognize this large white “mansion” (originally a furniture store) that was built beside the camp entrance in 1985.

What It Is
On September 23, 2022, the Dallas Baptist Association purchased this building along with the accompanying land and 4,000sf warehouse. It is now used for meetings and events, as well as a home base for the new “Ambassadors” ministry team who live and serve at the camp throughout the year. “The Summit” comes by its name naturally, sitting on the highest point in Dallas County and providing a place for leaders to meet.
This represents not only a significant extension of the Mt. Lebanon property and facilities, but also excellent potential for expanded ministry impact for generations to come. Please pray that the Lord would guide and provide as we seek to be good stewards of this place where many meet Jesus!

get involved
We are now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 Ambassador program. Read more about the program here.
Get In Touch
Have questions? Send us a message and we will reach out to you shortly.
1701 Texas Plume Rd.
Cedar Hill, TX 75104
Call Us
Fax: 972-291-4958