Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
II Corinthians 5:20
Mt. lebanon ambassadors
From Latin ambactus ‘servant’.
A resident representative of his or her own sovereign, appointed for a special diplomatic assignment. An authorized representative or messenger.
The Ambassadors program is a ministry and educational community of young adult leaders based at Mt. Lebanon Camp & Retreat. We seek to grow in faith, ministry experience, knowledge, and as servant leaders.
We are currently accepting applications for 2024 – 2025!

As an Ambassador, you will come alongside the full time staff to serve our retreat guests during the non-summer months. Service activities include:
- Recreation & Programming
- Housekeeping
- Meal prep and clean up
- Media Support & Production
- Facilities & Grounds Maintenance
- Social Media Marketing
- Outreach & Missions
Certification opportunities include:
- Foodservice Handler Certification
- Lifeguard Certification
- Challenge Course Level 1 Certification

At the heart of the Ambassador experience is the opportunity for spiritual growth. Weekly group Bible studies, assigned readings, and the local church all contribute to an environment meant to develop you as Christian leaders. Additionally, Ambassadors will be given the opportunity to mentor summer staff students as part of their development and spiritual growth.
Christian leaders must accurately handle the word of truth and this is passed down from generation to generation. Ambassadors will get to know and learn from faithful saints – pastors, theologians, professors, worship leaders, missionaries, and others active in ministry. Beyond merely academic understanding, practical instruction in leadership, personal finance, navigating relationships, and other crucial life skills will be covered.

Dr. Toby Snowden has a wealth of experience as a faithful pastor and adjunct professor in the College of Christian Faith at Dallas Baptist University. He will teach Bible study methods and Old/New Testament surveys.
Dr. Ed Walker, Executive Director of Mt. Lebanon, has served in ministry as a worship leader, pastor, professor, and in missions. He also brings entrepreneurial experience in real estate investment, agriculture, and media and hospitality businesses.

Ambassadors live in community in “The Summit at Mt. Lebanon.” The camp purchased and remodeled this iconic, 3-story property with elevator in 2022. It features over 14,000sf with separate, spacious, individually keyed apartments with private baths on the top two floors. The ground floor offers a library, classroom, living room, commercial kitchen, large dining room, and office. It is gated and has full monitored fire suppression.
Will I be paid during my Ambassador year?
Yes, these are paid positions. The team will also have meals provided when the camp is cooking for guests and an allotted amount for group groceries for community meals in the Summit. You’ll share a very large private bedroom/bath apartment – each with HUGE closets – with one other Ambassador. With housing, utilities, board and other benefits considered, it represents an attractive option for those called to this kind of ministry. Check out these typical costs for JUST LIVING near the Metroplex.
Cost for single living in the Metroplex (Source:, July, 2024)
Avg. Cost of 1 bedroom apartment outside city center – $1,558/month
Basic Utilities – $244/month
Estimated additional monthly costs for single person – $1,129.
Total minimum Cost for 8 months – $23,448. ($2,931/month)
That’s about what you’ll PAY just to live in the area. Having much of this provided – plus a monthly salary, Biblical, financial, and leadership education, practical experience, missions and ministry training – all this combines to make Ambassadors a compelling first choice for many.
Is there a cost?
Mt. Lebanon is subsidizing most of the costs associated with the program. Ambassadors may raise funds for a mission experience during the term.
Where will I live?
The Summit at Mt. Lebanon, purchased by the camp in 2022, is so named because it is located at the highest point in North Texas, and also because a Summit is place where leaders meet. This iconic, 3-story gated property at the front entrance of the camp offers over 14,000 square feet including spacious personal apartments with large closets and private bathrooms (typically two Ambassadors to a room) as well as a library, classroom, commercial kitchen, dining room, laundry, elevator, fire suppression system and more. It is a safe and beautiful place to live, meet, and share community with an awesome group of young adults! You can read more about the history of The Summit here.
What if I want to pursue an education during my Ambassador year?
The Ambassador program will provide a robust educational component taught by qualified instructors. A full-time commitment to the program is required, including all living, learning, and serving components. Special situations should be discussed with and approved by program leadership before outside work, education or other commitments are made.
I want to apply or have more questions, who can I contact?
Please contact Brian Colbath at with any questions or to apply for the 2024 – 2025 year.
1701 Texas Plume Rd.
Cedar Hill, TX 75104
Call Us
Fax: 972-291-4958